{"version":3,"file":"kendo.html.input.min.js","sources":["kendo.html.input.js"],"sourcesContent":["(function(f, define) {\n define('kendo.html.input',[\n \"kendo.html.base\"\n ], f);\n})(function() {\n\nvar __meta__ = {\n id: \"html.input\",\n name: \"Html.Input\",\n category: \"web\",\n description: \"HTML rendering utility for Kendo UI for jQuery.\",\n depends: [ \"html.base\" ],\n features: []\n};\n\n(function($, undefined) {\n var kendo = window.kendo,\n HTMLBase = kendo.html.HTMLBase;\n\n var renderCheckBox = function(element, options) {\n if (arguments[0] === undefined || $.isPlainObject(arguments[0])) {\n options = element;\n element = $(\"\");\n }\n\n return (new HTMLCheckBox(element, options)).html();\n };\n\n var renderRadioButton = function(element, options) {\n if (arguments[0] === undefined || $.isPlainObject(arguments[0])) {\n options = element;\n element = $(\"\");\n }\n\n return (new HTMLRadioButton(element, options)).html();\n };\n\n var HTMLInput = HTMLBase.extend({\n init: function(element, options) {\n var that = this;\n HTMLBase.fn.init.call(that, element, options);\n that._wrapper();\n that._addClasses();\n },\n options: {\n label: null,\n labelPosition: \"after\",\n labelId: null,\n encoded: true\n },\n _wrapper: function() {\n var that = this,\n element = that.element[0],\n options = that.options,\n elementId = element.id;\n\n that.wrapper = that.element\n .addClass(options.inputClass)\n .prop(\"type\", options.type);\n\n if (!elementId && !!options.label) {\n element.id = elementId = kendo.guid();\n }\n\n if (!!options.label) {\n that.labelEl = $(\"